Colon Cleansing Foods For Thought

If so, I bet when you feel like this, you normally grab a soda or a candy bar to give yourself a quick boost of energy. Hey, you're busy, I know. We all do it. That's why there's a vending machine in many office buildings and workplace break rooms. They know we are going to run out of energy and need a quick pick me up.

The science behind the green drinks lies in the fact that they contain a lot of chlorophyll. In a plant, chlorophyll is transformed into Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP. If you have had cellular biology, then you know that this is the molecule in the body that is responsible for storing your energy. Chlorophyll is also what gives plants their green color. So when you drink the greens in liquid form you're actually eating the energy that has been produced by WheatGrass Powder the sunlight it's all natural!

And it contains seventy-five percent chlorophyll - most green vegetables have a great deal less than that - and chlorophyll reduces the risk of colon cancer. It's the "blood" of the plant world and its molecular structure is similar to our blood. No wonder it's an important ingredient in some of the better vegetable juices; you'll find that wheatgrass juices are right there with the rest of them.

Here's a problem. The modern western diet which we all eat is extremely acidic. Processed foods, coffee, fried foods all have an acidifying effect on our systems. Sugars don't have a pH, but once digested metabolize into acids.

Juicing Wheatgrass yourself is best done with a masticating juicer as it is able to press the moisture from the Wheatgrass better than the typical juicer. These juicers can also be used to juice other vegetables such as Lettuce or Celery and even herbs like Parsley. If you are just starting out it may be better to find a local health food store and purchase some fresh Wheatgrass juice to try with your recipes before purchasing any new equipment.

You might want to get yourself a "masticating" juicer. This juicer is slightly different from normal juicers, since it can press the moisture out of the wheatgrass in a way that your normal juicer won't be able to. You can still use this juicer for all your other fruit and vegetables so it is definitely a good buy. You can use it with lettuce, herbs and spinach, to name just a few.

2009: Bio-technology has progressed so that wheatgrass can be grown aeroponically in a pure environment. No more fungus or bacteria from soil is transferred to the plant. Under these conditions the whole plant is used for greater nutrition, dehydrated using a cold-drying process, and packaged as powder in a single serving sachet.

The more info chlorophyll it contains is highly energizing. What is even more impressive is that the molecule in wheatgrass practically mimics blood hemoglobin. It can actually increase the red blood cell count and the capacity of blood to deliver oxygen to cells. It has an alkalizing effect on the body which helps to balance acids and inflammation. When these vital balances are created in our system, we are more able to thwart off chronic disease and degenerative illness. Wheatgrass can even work to normalize blood pressure and promote increased metabolism.

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